Regardless of where you find yourself on your voyage, the faith community of Saint Brendan The Navigator welcomes you home to Christ’s Catholic Church.
Fifteen hundred years ago, Saint Brendan of Ireland and a group of brave monks set sail in a small boat to seek “Heaven on Earth.” Throughout their fantastic journey, Brendan and his friends relied on their faith and each other to overcome numerous obstacles and course corrections.
Brendan never reached his intended physical destination but realized he had already glimpsed heaven on earth through his trials, joys, and the natural wonders he encountered. Brendan’s voyage was his path to God and symbolizes a deeper meaning for us all.
Saint Brendan’s example teaches us that we’re all on a voyage of faith. When we hold together, Jesus Christ will see us through life’s storms and to the calm shores of His eternal salvation.
Are you a seeker, someone moving into our area, or someone who has been away?
We welcome you!
Download our printable registration form HERE and Welcome Packet HERE
Request a registration form and Welcome Packet be mailed to you HERE
To renew all things in Christ Jesus
To share the good news of salvation in Christ and make disciples for Him
Have you been away from the Church?
We welcome you back! You might like to check out our Inviting Catholics Home ministry, which provides a friendly atmosphere to ease back into the Church.
Not Catholic, but interested in finding out more?
O.C.I.A. (the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a gradual process where adults have the opportunity to explore faith questions and learn the basic traditions, beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church.

St Brendan uses ParishStaq to help parishioners stay connected. Parishioners receive regular updates and important news from our pastor, the parish office team, and parish groups and ministries via ParishStaq email. If you register on ParishStaq, you will automatically be signed up to receive our weekly e-newletter named Navigator News (but don’t worry, you can always opt out of receiving them!)
Are you a registered parishioner? If you have not created a ParishStaq account already, we ask that all parishioners 18 or older sign up. This is a huge help to us in keeping you informed and connected.
Are you visiting? New to the area? You are welcome to sign up to find out more about our parish community and ministries. When you are ready, you can register to be a member of our parish by clicking the link above for registration.
To create a ParishStaq account, click on the “Sign Up Now” link below and select “Request Account”. Then look for an email from St Brendan the Navigator in your inbox within the next 24 hours and follow the instructions: Sign Up Now